Thu, Apr 15
April CJAC Meeting
Join the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Advisory Council's monthly meeting. The full council meets virtually the third Thursday of each month to discuss county-level reform efforts and events.
Time & Location
Apr 15, 2021, 3:00 PM
About the event
Join the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Advisory Council's monthly meeting. The full council meets virtually the third Thursday of each month to discuss county-level reform efforts and events.
Video and Teleconference Only--All members will be attending by Video or Teleconference
Videoconference Link:
Meeting ID: 182 693 7746 Password: KMgUjUYt493
Teleconference Info.: 415-655-0001
Meeting ID: 182 693 7746# Password: 56485898#
The advisory council guides reforms on the county level, and our mission is centered on the Vera Institute's detailed research into the needs of Oklahoma County's justice system. Learn more: https://www.vera.org/publications/oklahoma-city-chamber-criminal-justice-task-force-report