Thu, Jun 17
|OKC Convention Center ROOMS 301 A-D
June CJAC Meeting
Join the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Advisory Council's monthly meeting. The full council will meet in person this month. The CJAC meeting is being held in-person only at The Oklahoma City Convention Center, 500 South Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK 73109 ROOMS 301 A-D.
Time & Location
Jun 17, 2021, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CDT
OKC Convention Center ROOMS 301 A-D, 100 Mick Cornett Dr, Oklahoma City, OK 73109, USA
About the event
Join the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Advisory Council's monthly meeting. The full council will meet in person this month.
The Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Advisory Council meeting is being held in-person only at The Oklahoma City Convention Center, 500 South Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK 73109 ROOMS 301 A-D
The Criminal Justice Advisory Council is a task force comprised of business and community leaders, law enforcement, nonprofit service providers, attorneys, and judges who share an interest in making Oklahoma County’s justice system fair and effective. CJAC is working toward a justice system in which everyone is treated with respect and dignity, those who have committed and been victims of crime alike.
CJAC meets each third Thursday of the month to discuss county-level reform efforts and events.
1. Call to Order and Introductions
2. Approve Consent Docket: a. Approve Minutes of May 20, 2021 meeting [ Minutes document ] b. Accept Current Expenditures [ Expense document ] c. FY22 Yearly Term Renewal of the Professional Services Agreement between CJAC and Four Interlocal Partners [ FY22 Term Renewal document 1 ] d. FY22 Yearly Term Renewal of the Professional Services Agreement between CJAC and Greater OKC Chamber [ FY22 Term Renewal document 2 ]
3. Presentation & Discussion by Edmond Police Chief J.D. Younger
4. Report, Discussion & Action regarding a decision on the Detention Center Facility Consultant by the Selection Committee
5. Review, Discussion & Action to approve a contract between CJAC and the successful applicant as recommended by the Selection Committee
6. Updates from Subcommittees: a. Pretrial Subcomm.: Report by Co-chairs Presiding Judge Elliott & Public Defender Ravitz
7. Executive Director’s Report a. Fair Chance Hiring Toolkit for Businesses by Greater OKC Chamber & CJAC [ Toolkit Document ] b. New Partnership between Oklahoma Christian University & Trust Authority regarding Associate of Science Degree with an emphasis in Criminal Justice c. Urban League of Greater OKC Expungement Fair, Sat. June 26, 11:00am-3pm
8. Citizen Participation (Public comments on items not on the agenda but strictly relevant to the CJAC, limited to two (2) minutes or less per person)
9. New Business (Any matter not known or reasonably foreseeable prior to the posting of the agenda)
10.Next meeting: Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 3:00 p.m (No July Meeting). in person either at normal meeting place at OKC Police Headquarters or another location to be announced.
11. Adjournment