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CJAC Solicits Detention Center Facility Consultant


1. Intent: The Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Advisory Council (CJAC) is seeking a qualified consultant (“Consultant”) to provide engagement, analysis, and recommendations to CJAC for CJAC’s use in formulating recommendations to the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority (hereafter OCCJA or Jail Trust) regarding Oklahoma County Detention Center facilities both future and current. 2. Background: The CJAC serves Oklahoma County, the cities of Oklahoma City, Edmond, and Midwest City by independently assessing our community’s criminal justice system through analyzing the processes that lead to jail population, understanding how the decisions in the process are made, identifying the costs associated with processes and decisions, recommending priorities to responsibly reduce jail population with associated costs, and outlining long-term sustainability options. The CJAC strives to foster an economical, efficient, and smart local justice system that reflects our values of fairness, compassion, and good governance including detention facilities that are safe and humane for both staff and detainees. However, the troubled history of the current jail facility is no secret and has been no secret for more than two decades. To rectify this long-standing concern, the CJAC seeks a qualified Consultant to assist CJAC in formulating recommendations to the Jail Trust to help the community move forward with determining the best path forward with the current detention facility and the potential of new facilities. 2 3. Primary Goals and Objectives: The primary objective of this engagement is for the Consultant to provide recommendations to the CJAC on what are the best options for new facilities and/or renovations of the current facility. The final recommendations should include the following elements:

A. analysis of existing facility problems including funding and renovation possibilities, B. analysis of best practices for detention facilities of similar size for similarly-situated counties, C. analysis of facility configuration options to include new bed capacity and possible alternative locations, D. options for funding including sales tax revenue for future maintenance costs and staff salaries/benefits, as well as local, state, or federal funding available for new facilities and/or renovations of the current facility, E. analysis of staffing and costs associated with each recommendation, and F. proposed implementation plan and timeline for any recommendations. Recommendations should consider scalability, local area material and labor conditions, description of types of systems, materials, furnishings, and equipment anticipated to be used, compliance with federal regulations both related to jail standards and funding, explanation of optimal use of available funds, and operational cost benefits of the recommendations. For purposes of this solicitation, the word “Consultant” is generic and is not limited to architects, engineers, or construction managers. This is a programming and budgeting exercise, not a design competition. Renderings are not required. 4. Community, Stakeholder, and Staff Engagement: Proposers should provide a description of how they will engage CJAC Members, community stakeholders, Detention Center staff, Trust Authority Trustees, Oklahoma County and municipal officials, court officials, and current and former detainees in an appropriate level of discussion and input to define the issues and desired outcomes. Proposers should expect to work closely with CJAC Members and staff on community engagement and will be responsible for setting up, organizing, and keeping records of all community engagement meetings. Such community 3 engagement is critical to avoiding the lack of transparency that occurred when the current jail was built. 5. Presentation of Findings and Recommendations: The selected Consultant will be expected to make a presentation of the final report to the CJAC. Subsequent presentations could also be made to the Trustees of the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority (aka Trust Authority), Board of County Commissioners and/or the County Budget Board. At least one interim progress presentation will be required. 6. Project Schedule and Staffing Expectations: Proposers should provide a master project schedule including significant milestones. These matters are of great interest to the community and therefore the study should be expected to commence immediately upon award of contract by the CJAC and proceed expeditiously. The point of contact for the Consultant will be the CJAC Executive Director. Proposers will be expected to coordinate on meetings and scheduling and will be primarily responsible for keeping meeting notes and preparing necessary information to facilitate successful meeting engagements. 7. Subcontractors: The Consultant can select subcontractors as they deem appropriate. The solicitation proposal should include as much information about the subcontractor(s) as possible at the time of solicitation submission. However, any subcontractor will not have any privity with the CJAC. 8. Solicitation Proposal Submittal Requirements: A. The solicitation proposal should be prepared on 8.5 x 11’ format using 12 point (or greater) font with standard one inch margins. The proposal should not exceed 40 pages and is required to be submitted in PDF format on three (3) separate flash drives delivered to CJAC offices at the Greater OKC Chamber at 123 Park Ave., 1st floor, OKC, OK 73102. 4 B. The solicitation proposal should describe the firm’s capabilities and unique qualifications to provide the services requested. Describe the logistics relating to how the firm will provide the services requested. Provide an overview of the firm’s history and years of experience performing similar consulting services, recent engagements of like scope performed for organizations similar in size to Oklahoma County, and any factors that set Consultant apart from other consulting firms. Describe successful implementations of recommendations in prior engagements. Describe experience in dealing with communities in the Oklahoma City area/region. Provide a project team roster explaining their expertise and experience in similar projects, including up to three examples highlighting how the team made the project a success. C. References: Identify three recent projects of similar size and scope with contact information, especially in the jail/correctional field. Provide full contact information of a contact with full knowledge of the project that can provide necessary performance information to the proposal review committee. Explain the project and outcomes. D. A mandatory Pre-proposal Conference will be held with the CJAC Executive Director on May 12. Any interested proposer shall register for the Pre-proposal Conference through the CJAC Executive Director via email at All questions not addressed in the Pre-proposal Conference shall be submitted by email no later than May 19, 2021 to the CJAC Executive Director at All questions and answers will be provided to registered attendees of the mandatory Pre-proposal Conference. E. Disqualification: ANY contact whatsoever, (other than contact related to the Pre-proposal Conference as set out in D. above) by any means either electronic or in person, directly or indirectly, with CJAC Members and staff, participants on CJAC subcommittees, County officials, Trust Authority Trustees, or municipal officials regarding this solicitation shall be cause for disqualification. 9. Fees: The CJAC has allocated $125,000 total funds for the engagement. The proposer shall outline a budget of $125,000 that details estimated expenses including personnel hours/fees, travel fees, and other administrative fees. Final fees will be subject to negotiation for the selected proposer. Travel fees should include both a per diem and per trip (e.g. airline or other transportation) cost. 5 10. Selection Process: Each solicitation proposal will be independently evaluated by a selection committee to be determined at a later time, but will include CJAC Members and other community leaders. The Selection Committee may make its selection based on the written proposals received, or may, at its discretion, conduct oral interviews with some or all proposers. The CJAC will review the Selection Committee’s recommended proposer and approve the recommendation or ask the Selection Committee to reconsider other proposers or further clarify the solicitation if all proposers are non-responsive. Promptly upon selection, a contract will be negotiated and awarded. 11. Solicitation timeline: Solicitation published May 5, 2021 Pre-proposal Conference May 12, 2021 Solicitation due May 26, 2021 at 4:00pm Interviews if necessary June 8, 2021 Selection Committee Recommendation to CJAC June 17, 2021 (CJAC Meeting) Preliminary Progress Presentation to CJAC August 19, 2021 (CJAC Meeting) Final Recommendations Presentation to CJAC October 21, 2021 (CJAC Meeting) 12. This solicitation is posted online at 13. End of Solicitation Announcement. Thank you.

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