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Quarterly Report: February 2020

NEW BOOK-AND-RELEASE PROCESS CREATED FOR COST WARRANTS: Former Presiding Judge Tom Prince, working with Special Judge April Collins, instituted a new Administrative Order allowing persons being jailed only for cost, traffic or wildlife warrants to have a new opportunity to fix their problems without jail time. The new procedure will allow such persons to be booked and released with a 10-day window to come back to Judge Collins’ court to work out a payment plan. The plan was presented to the Case Processing Subcommittee before approval and without any objections received full support.

The future looks bright for continued improvements in the Oklahoma County justice system. With bold projects like MAPS 4, innovative judges solving problems, and CJAC members and partners leveraging their resources in their fields of influence, the process of collaboration and problem-solving will further expand justice in Oklahoma County. See the full report below.


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