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Recommendations from CJAC Regarding a Future Detention Facility

November 18, 2021

Introduction: During 2021, the Facilities Subcommittee led the effort to review numerous options for improving the Detention Center facilities. After a robust and extensive process, the Facilities Subcommittees submits these final recommendations to the full CJAC:

Recommendation 1: A better, new facility is absolutely necessary and should be designed and built to meet American Correctional Association standards. The new facility should be at a different location than the current Detention Center.

Recommendation 2: The better, new facility should include funding through a vote of Oklahoma County voters to replace expiring bonds at their current level without raising taxes.

Recommendation 3: The better, new facility should utilize no more than 950 housing units which could house about 1800 people.

Recommendation 4: It is imperative that CJAC and CJAC’s partners in law enforcement, the legal system, service providers, and community leaders continue the hard and monumental work of reforming the justice system to promote fair and effective solutions for treatment and diversion so overcrowding does not occur again. The reform work must succeed to meet best practices of maintaining a 15% vacancy rate in the future facility.

Recommendation 5: A Site Selection Committee and a Construction Oversight Taskforce should be appointed to ensure the process to build a better, new facility at a different location is transparent and accountable in due diligence efforts.

Download proposed program and design:

1 Comment

Ok Thunderbird
Ok Thunderbird
Nov 22, 2021

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