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Statement from CJAC's Executive Director, Timothy Tardibono, on the New Location of the Oklahoma County Detention Center

Image of potential example of what the future OCDC might look like.

I commend the Oklahoma County Commissioner's decision to build the new OK County Detention Center at 1901 E. Grand Blvd. in Oklahoma City.  While this decision was not an easy one to make, it was needed to keep the promise made to taxpayers to build a new jail that includes a behavioral health center that will address the growing needs of detainees.  With the location finalized, architects can move forward with their design process with a specific plot of land in mind. The new jail will be state of the art and meet national correctional standards. The new jail will also look totally different than our current jail and will facilitate the long overdue need to include space specifically for substance abuse and mental health treatment as well as job training and educational programs. There is still much work to do and more timelines to meet so we encourage county officials to continue pushing forward quickly. As always, CJAC stands ready to assist with the creation of a new Oklahoma County Detention Center. 

— Timothy Tardibono, Executive Director of the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Advisory Council.

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